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In social communication, each person’s face is more important than any trait you think and it will play a decisive role in the people around us and our other relationships. Meanwhile, the eyes speak first and we all know that the most penetrating part of a face is the eyes and the state of the eyelids and their surroundings. Loosening, drooping and loss of freshness and stretching of the skin around the eyes and upper and lower eyelids cause wrinkles and drooping of the skin above the eyelids on the eyes.

Blepharoplasty is a very suitable technique for people who care about their skin and want to have young and fresh skin.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery that is performed on an outpatient basis, which is performed in order to remove drooping and wrinkles and to eliminate the puffiness of the upper and lower eyelids and to rejuvenate the face. This surgery does not require hospitalization and usually takes between two to three hours and is included in the category of cosmetic surgery which is performed in the best possible way with appropriate facilities and equipment and a specialist doctor in this field at Deniz Skin and Hair Clinic in Mashhad is done.

How to perform blepharoplasty surgery

In this outpatient surgery, which is performed through local anesthesia or complete anesthesia in the clinic, the relevant surgeon cuts the upper or lower eyelid area or both and removes the skin and excess fat around the eyes, which is the result of removing this skin. and excess fat, improving the appearance of one’s eyes and eyelids and creating a younger and fresher face.
Blepharoplasty is performed on the upper eyelid in order to remove sagging skin and excess fat in this area and remove wrinkles above the eyes, and lower eyelid surgery is performed to remove puffiness under the eyes and remove wrinkles. It is done under the eyes.

For whom is eyelid surgery recommended?

People who have visual impairment due to fat deposition in the eyelids.

People who want to tighten loose skin around their eyes.

Rejuvenation of upper and lower eyelids in people over fifty years old

Removing puffiness under the eyes, wrinkles and sagging skin with age

Restoring full vision to people affected by drooping upper eyelids.

People who naturally and genetically have extra skin in their upper and lower eyelids.

Patients who have lost the natural gap (the space between the eye and the eyebrow) in the area of their upper eyelid.

Benefits of eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty

The benefits of this procedure are naturally different depending on the circumstances of the person and the purpose for which he wants to perform this procedure, but in general, the following benefits can be considered for it:

  • It increases self-confidence and improves the quality of a person’s life depending on the conditions he was in.
  • Returning full vision to people who lost part of their vision due to drooping eyelids.
  • Creating a younger, fresher and more energetic face, especially around the eyes and eyelids.